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Northwich & Weaver Probus Club Rules

Adopted 23 January 2024

  1. The Club shall be called the Northwich & Weaver Probus Club. It shall be non-political and nonsectarian and will meet fortnightly at a time and place recommended by the Executive Committee after consultation with the membership.
  2. Membership of the Club shall be open to retired and semi-retired gentlemen for promoting good fellowship by meeting regularly and stimulating discussion and other objectives agreed by the members.
  3. The management of the Club shall be in the hands of an Executive Committee comprising the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, Social Secretary, Speaker Secretary and Deputy Speaker Secretary, with the power to co-opt. All officers shall be elected at the AGM for one year only but shall be eligible for re-election.
    For the offices of both President and Vice-President, preference shall be given to the selection of members who have already given service as Officers of the Club. The elected Vice-President shall normally be appointed President for the following year.
  4. Membership of the Club shall be limited to sixty, and applications for membership shall be made to the Secretary on the appropriate form, including names of proposer and seconder from within Weaver & Northwich Probus Club, for consideration by the Executive Committee.
  5. The annual subscription shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting and is payable on 1st February. Pro-rata payments for members joining after the AGM to be decided by the Treasurer. Any member who has not paid his subscription by 30th April may be deemed to have resigned unless there are special circumstances (see Rule 10).
  6. A Member may introduce one male guest at any meeting, but no guest may attend more than four times in one year. The member shall introduce the visitor to the President or Secretary before the start of each meeting.
  7. The Annual General Meeting shall be the Club's second meeting in January. One third of the current paying membership shall constitute a quorum. Only fully paid up members have voting rights at the AGM. The Membership Register shall be updated for the AGM.
  8. An Extraordinary Meeting may be called at the request of five members, giving fourteen days’ written notice to the Secretary. One third of the current paying membership shall constitute a quorum at the meeting. Only fully paid up members have voting rights at an EGM.
  9. Voting. All questions arising at any meeting shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote thereat. No member shall exercise more than one vote but in the case of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
  10. The Executive Committee reserves the right to terminate the membership of a member who has not attended any meeting for three consecutive months. If, however, a member cannot attend meetings regularly due to personal or family health circumstances, the Executive Committee has the right to grant him Privileged Membership or use their discretion as to his continued membership. A Privileged member is supernumerary to the Club compliment. No mandatory annual membership fee is payable although he shall be permitted to attend Club meetings and functions.
    Annual membership fees may be remitted in part or in full for any member deemed to be in need by the Almoner and Treasurer.
  11. Any member may resign his membership by giving the Secretary notice to that effect.
  12. The Accounts Examiner shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting and the Club accounts shall be made up and examined up to the end of December each year.
  13. Cheques payable by the Club shall bear two signatures from four members nominated at the previous AGM.
  14. Northwich & Weaver Probus Club holds the personal details of club members. The information is held by the Secretary/Membership Secretary and is solely for the running of the Club. This includes circulating a copy of the members list to Club members. This information will not be passed on or circulated to any outside organisation. All members will be required to sign that they accept this statement and that the data held by the club is correct.
  15. These rules shall be available for inspection by members at all meetings. Rules may only be amended at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary Meeting and any proposed amendment must be given to the Secretary at least fourteen days before the meeting.
  16. The Club shall be non-profit making and in the event of it being wound up, all of the assets shall be given to one or more charities nominated by the Executive Committee.
  17. No member shall seek monetary support for any charity or good cause in the form of raffles, tickets, sponsorship or donations within club meetings. This shall not preclude informing members of forthcoming events which members may choose to follow up outside the club. This restriction shall not apply to speakers, who may ask for support for their charity.