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Northwich & Weaver Probus Club Membership

Membership is open to retired and semi-retired business and professional men.

The aim of the club is to promote good fellowship by meeting regularly and stimulating discussion, and other objectives of particular interest to members.

The club meets on alternate Tuesdays at Owley Wood Club, Weaverham. Meetings normally comprise a speaker followed by about 15 minutes of formal business . The list of talks is listed under the speakers link at the left hand side.

The club has a crown green/indoor mat bowling sections as well as two walking groups.

The Walkers meet meet on the Tuesday and Wednesday when there is no regular meeting. Long walks are generally 4-5 miles. Followed by a pub lunch.

The club has a full social calendar which involves members spouses and partners.

There is amaximum of 55 members due to the limitations of our meeting place.

Applications for membership must be in writing to the Secretary, providing names of proposer and seconder from within Northwich & Weaver Probus Club. Applications will be made known to the members for their comment before consideration by the executive Committee for approval.

The annual subscription is currently (2024) £44.00 for ordinary members plus £15.00 for bowling members. Both subscriptions include membership of Owley Wood Club.

Subscriptions are payable on 1st February each year. Pro - rata payments for members joining after the AGM to be decided by the Treasurer.

If you are interested in membership please contactus at secretary@northwich.weaver-probus.org.uk