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Tuesday Walks List 2024

Date Leader Walk Details Distance Miles Number Walking
16/01/24 R Miller From Blue Cap past Activity Centre, Petty Pool Woods. Cross Dalefords Lane to Newchurch Common & Whitegate Way ca 150 yds pass two meres through Daleford Farm & rerurn down Cockpit Lane 3.98
Clear sky winter morning
30/01/24 J Adshead Davenport Arms along Oak Lane to Marton Heath & Great Tidnock, on to Mutlow Farm, Cockmoss lane to A34 & return to good lunch @ the pub.
Dry & Bright
13/02/24 G Miller

Dixon Drive track under railway, cross A535 Alderley Rd. Follow path to Stubby Lane, over A537 Chelford Rd to Astley Lane. Over fields towards St John’s Church on A535 Holmes Chapel Rd. At Chelford Roundabout left into Peover Lane, track on right past Heath Farm & onto Knutsford Road Chelford. Good lunch @ Dun Cow.

Mild 12C muddy in places
27/02/24 R Miller From the Big Lock , south along the Trent & Mersey, take the short Wardle Canal to Shropshire Union to Coalpit Lane, rigjht the A54. ross A54 to path to Croxton Aqueduct & Trent Mersey pub. Click for full Route
Overcast 5C, muddy by R Croco


P Keeler From Mobberley Rd to Tatton Park park via Mallard Close. Right to Dog Walkers Wood. Follow paths anticlockwise around Tatton & Melchette Meres to the Knutsford entrance. Take Drury Lane, Moorside & into The Moor alongside the pond to Middle Walk. Lunch at The Smoker
dry with cloud and some sun
26/03/24 GW Scott From Stanley Arms (Tip) along Trent Mersey to Marbury Lne, left to track passing across the park to the woods, skirt the mere, over canal bridge & right past Dairy House meadows. Track back to Marbury Lne, left for a short way then track on right passing Wade Brook to R Weaver up hill to Car park & back to pub for a good lunch.
Hazy sun, dry underfoot 12C
09/04/24 G Miller From Old Broken Cross to School Rd, Thro' Gadbrook Business Park over fields to Shipbrook Rd to Billinge Green & canal, return along towpath to pub for excellent lunch Route link
Very wet & windy poor underfoot
23/04/24 J Adshead From the Rudyard North car park along the east edge of Rudyard Lake, following the line of the former Macclesfield/Leek railway. Over the dam @ south end of lake. Head north via the path above the western lake shore.. Pleasant views & features including the empty Cliffe Park Hall, back to the carpark. Lunch at Big Lock, Middlewich. Route Link
Dry, overcast sun, cold breeze 12C
07/05/24 R Miller From the Plough, Whitegate to Casssia Green to join the Whitegate Way at the Road Bridge, loop round Catsclough to return via Gale Green Farm
Good walking, 18C hazy sun
21/05/24 GW Scott From the Leigh Arms to Trent Mersey, turn left, down to R Weaver & Dutton Locks, cross River & over field to Acton, return nto pub. Route Link
Good walking, dry sunny 20C
04/06/24 G Miller Frrom the Rising Sun to Forest Rd, track to A49, along edge of golf course, right still alongside golf course to Lightfoot Lne into Eaton, right & imdeiate left into Sapling Lne to Tarporley, Click for Route
dry @ first then rain, 18C
18/06/24 R Miller From the lay-by on Barrow Lane left into Ferma Lane - cross fields to Holme farm cross railway to Wildmoore Lane turn right at the end of lane to return to lay-by via Barrow Lane Excellent Lunch @ Vale Royal Arms Route
Dry, grey Overcast 17C
02/07/24 P Keeler        
16/07/24 GW Scott From the Stanley Arms down to the Weaver & along Wade Brook, Saltscape Trail, Ashtons Flash to Marbury Lane & Trent Mersey back to pub for a good lunch. Route map link Joined by 3 diners for lunch
Some rain then warm 18C
13/08/24 J Adshead        
27/08/24 G Miller        
10/09/24 R Miller        
23/09/24 P Keeler        
08/10/24 GW Scott        
22/10/24 J Adshead        
05/11/24 G Miller        
19/11/24 R Miller  
03/12/24 P Keeler  
17/12/24 R Miller